Environmental Authorisation was issued by the Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) on 14 June 2017 in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regulations promulgated in Government Notice 38282 (4 December 2014), in terms of Section 24(5) (read with Section 44), of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), No. 107 of 1998, for the proposed expansion of the Pietermaritzburg Airport by the uMsunduzi Municipality. The competent authority has granted environmental authorization in respect of all activities applied for; provided the conditions of approval are adhered to.
- Environmental Authorisation Letter: DC22-0036-2016-Pmb-Airport-expansion-14-June-2017
Hard copies will be made available at the following locations:
- Emilys Supermarket – 20 Emily Rd, Scottsville
- Bisley Park Primary School– 130 Oribi Rd, Bisley
- Kalinka Edu Care – 390 Oribi Village, Oribi Rd, Oribi Village
Please note that any person who wishes to appeal against the authorisation has until 10 July 2017. The appeal must be submitted on the specific form, available from the INR (contact Ms Samiksha Singh on Tel: 033 3460796, email: ssingh@inr.org.za), and can be submitted by means of one of the following methods:
Private Bag X001, Bishopsgate, 4008, DurbanTel: 031 310 5300,Mobile: 082 570 1966; Fax: 031 310 5416E-Mail: haresh.inderlall@kznedtea.gov.za (Haresh Inderlall) | 9th Floor, The Marine Building, 22 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban 4001 |
The appeal submission must be accompanied by an Appendix that includes:
- A statement setting out the grounds of appeal;
- Supporting documentation which is referred in the grounds of appeal; and
- A statement, including supporting documentation, by the appellant to confirm compliance with regulation 4(1) of the National Appeal Regulations, 2014.
The Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) and accompanying specialist assessment reports are now available for public viewing. The reports were finalized based on comments from I&APs and have been submitted to the competent authority. Use the links below to access the reports.
- Environmental Impact Report (EIR): PMB-Airport-EIR-Report_Feb-2017
- Environmental Management Programme (EMPr): PMB-Airport-SEIA_EMPr_Feb-2017
- Public Participation Process (PPP) Report: PMB-Airport-EIR_PPP-Report_Feb-2017
- Specialist Assessment Reports
- Geotechnical Assessment: PMB-Airport-SEIA_GeoTech_Jan-2017
- Wetland and Biodiversity Assessment: PMB-Airport-SEIA_Wetland_Jan-2017
- Socio-Economic Impact Assessment: PMB-Airport-SEIA_Soc-EcoIA_Feb-2017
- Economic Impact Assessment: PMB-Airport-SEIA_EcoIA_Jan-2017
- Heritage Impact Assessment: PMB-Airport-SEIA_HIA_Jan-2017
- Environmental Noise Baseline and Impact Assessment: PMB-Airport-SEIA_NIA_Jan-2017
- Traffic Impact Assessment: PMB-Airport-SEIA_TIA_Jan-2017
- Property Valuation Assessment: PMB-Airport-SEIA_Valuation-Study_Jan-2017
If you have difficulty accessing the reports, please contact Sian Oosthuizen (soosthuizen@inr.org.za).
A public meeting was held during the EIR review period on Thursday 2 February 2017 at 5:30pm at the Bisley Park Primary School.
- Public Meeting minutes: Public-Meeting-02.02.17-Min_Final
- Public Meeting presentation: PMB-Airport-EIA-Public-Mtg-2-Feb-2017-FINAL-Presentation
The Final Environmental Scoping Report for the Proposed Expansion of the Pietermaritzburg Airport has been submitted to the competent authority.