Project Reports
Project Reports
Please click on the files listed below to view or download project report documents.
- FAO: Strengthening Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation through Support to Integrated Watershed management | Community and District Training Package
- USAID Southern Africa: Climate Change Adaptation in the Lesotho Highlands | Annual Report
- USAID Southern Africa: Climate Change Adaptation in the Lesotho Highlands. | Quarterly Report
- JNCC: Integrating knowledge systems in flood-risk modelling for sustainable solid waste management and flood resilience in urban informal settlements in South Africa
- Umgeni Water: Conservation and Restoration of Upper Umkhomoazi River Basin | Phase 1: Getting to catchment scale implementation
- Umgeni Water: Conservation and Restoration of Upper Umkhomoazi River Basin | Phase 2: From Planning to action
- SANBI: Gcumisa Community Conservation Area | Protected Area Management Plan 2021-2026
- WRC: National Siltation Management Strategy for Dams in South Africa | Draft Final Report
- Umgeni Water: Mapping of Woody Invasive Alien Plants in the uMgeni Catchment | Draft Inception Report
- WWF - The Nedbank Green Trust: State of the Sources \ Monitoring and Reporting Framework for Strategic Water Source Areas | Southern Drakensberg Pilot
- EDTEA: Development of the KwaZulu-natal Integrated Waste Management Plan | Inception Report
- SANBI: An investment Plan for securing ecological infrastructure to enhance water security in the uMgeni River catchment
- DWS, DEA: Development of a National Rainwater Harvesting Strategy for South Africa as part of the Climate Change Near-term Priority Flagship Programmes
- SANBI: Scoping Process for the Development of Biodiversity Management Plans for Threatened Plant Species in Mpumalanga
- DEA, WWF, USAID: Protecting our culture of traditional healing through sustainable harvesting | Muthi booklet
- University of East Anglia: Increasing resilience to water-related risk in the South African fresh fruit system
- Elsevier: Irrigation area, efficiency and water storage mediate the drought resilience of irrigated agriculture in a semi-arid catchment
- Towards developing a rapid citizen science-based macroplastic monitoring protocol for rivers and wetlands: a case study of the uMsunduzi river