Sambulo Mncwabe

The INR welcomes Field Assistant Sambulo Mncwabe who has a Diploma in Farming Management. He will be providing support to the Herding for Health project in the upper uMkhomazi.

Paragraph written by Sambulo

My name is Sambulo Mncwabe, a 24 year old African male from the outskirts of Bulwer a region 100 kilometers outside of the city of Pietermaritzburg. I am an industrious, adaptable, and academically-inclined and an over-achiever that goes above and beyond the call of duty. I have completed a Diploma in Farming Management where I have applied my theoretical knowledge working with livestock farmers in my community with a particular focus on herd health management. I am happy to join the INR providing support to the Herding for Health project in the upper uMkhomazi and applying what I have learnt in the real world with rural livestock farmers.