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Public Engagement

The INR offers the public the opportunity to register as a stakeholder for projects that require formal public participation processes, to access any relevant documents and to submit comments for consideration. Should you wish to do so, please view the list below and select the project you wish to participate in.

Development of an Environmental Management Framework for the Amajuba District Municipality

The Amajuba District Municipality (ADM) has embarked on the development of an environmental management framework (EMF). The ADM comprises three local municipalities (LM) i.e. Newcastle, Dannhauser, and Emadlangeni. It is the aim of the ADM to develop an EMF that proactively supports and integrates environmental considerations into decision-making and development planning across the district. The Newcastle LM has also developed an EMF and it is expected there is alignment with the ADM EMF. READ MORE…

Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessment (S&EIA) for Ludidi Community Afforestation in the Eastern Cape

The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), through its implementing agent Rural Forestry Development (RFD) has identified new areas with forestry potential for establishing a community-based commercial afforestation project in the Ludidi area, which is an expansion of the Ludidi South forestry project in the Eastern Cape Province. READ MORE…